
Research on the preparedness of the local citizens regarding natural and man-caused disasters


The Research

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Series of  live interviews with citizens from Dupnitsa and Karbinci

200 citizens – 50 children, 50 youth representatives, 50 adults and 50 elderly in each area.

400 short questionnaires and

online test for evaluation of theoretical knowledge


Due to the specific characteristics of the areas, as well as the climatic conditions both Municipalities are subject to the threat of fire, especially in the critical months of June, July and August; furthermore it is estimated that Dupnitsa Municipality is one of the areas with highest levels of anthropogenic pressure (72.4 %) which defines it as a generally vulnerable setting.

The problem that the current activity explores is the unsatisfactory firefighting culture of the citizens – they are lacking basic knowlegde and practical skills, crucial when it comes to proper management of a risk situation, especially taking into consideration the general vulnerability of the area inhabited.

The idea is the exact parameters of their behavioral illiteracy in terms of risk management to become visible thus allowing the establishment of a relevant action plan/strategy/campaigns with concrete measures that will have the capacity to fill the gaps in the practical and theoretical knowledge of the citizens and provide them with valuable tools for timely and sufficient reaction.

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Live interviews

Take a look in the interviews that took place in Dupnica and Karbinci

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200+200 Questionnaires

Simple questions for every category to participate.

Take the online test and get the basic info in case of a fire
