Basic Fire Safety Course

Basic fire safety course & training for children and vulnerable groups

Fire safety courses

it is a logical continuation of  the Research on the preparedness of the local citizens, as it will fill the theoretical and practical gaps of citizens and act as a catalyst for more competent attitude pattern

The training course is designed with the purpose to raise awareness of fire hazards in different environments – outside, at home, at school or workplace and to promote sustainable behaviour in case of event of emergency, including selecting and using a fire extinguisher or other relevant means

It will be comprised of 2 modules – one theoretical and other directed to practice; the participants will be divided in two groups: children (30) and people with disabilities (30) with the aim to address as much as possible vulnerable groups and to prepare them more qualitatively in compliance of their needs.


The course content will gravitate towards the :

Development and spread of fire

Action in the event of fire

Means of raising alarm

Emergency medical care

Evacuation procedures

get a


At the end of the course an assessment of the acquired knowledge and practical skills will be conducted by multiple choice test and practical demonstration; the participants successfully completed the course will receive a certificate

Also a feedback system will be implemented as the participants will be able to evaluate the seminar in terms of general quality, relevance of content and practicality with the perspective of future improvement.

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Karbinci - training for children

Raised awareness of fire hazards in different environments – promoted sustainable behaviour - using a fire extinguisher.

Home, school , workplace safety guidelines.

Karbinci - training for vulnerable groups

Filled theoretical and practical gaps of vulnerable groups.

Help them to stay safe.

Dupnica - training for children

The foundation "12th Chair" organizes the trainning in schools in Dupnica

Children want to learn more....

Dupnica- training for vulnerable groups

Elderly people participate in Dupnica into learning courses.

Vunerable people need to know...
