Municipality of Karbinci
Profile of our Municipality
We Make Nature Smile
Municipality of Karbinci is located in the eastern part of the Republic, occupying an area of 229,7 km2at the foot of the Plachkovica Mountain, and in the catchment area of the Bregalnica River. It borders with the neighboring municipalities: Probishtip,Cheshinovo,Zrnovci, Shtipand Radovish.
Municipality of Karbinci is a atypically rural municipality based with it’s administrative office in the village of Karbinci. Total of 25 villages are part of the municipality: Argulica, Batanje, Vrteshka, Golem Gaber, GorniBalvan, GornoTrogerci, DolniBalvan, DolnoTrogerci, Ebeplija, Junuzlija, Kalauzlija, Karbinci, Kepekchelija, Kozjak, Krupishte, Kurfalija, Kuchica, Nov Karaorman, Odzhalija, Pripechani, Prnalija, Radanje, Ruljak, Tarinci, Crvuljevo.
The hydrographic characteristics of the area of the Municipality of Karbinci are similar to the characteristics of the eastern part of the country, e.g. rivers, torrents, springs, artificial reservoirs. The main river flow is the river Bregalnica whichflows through the territory of the municipality with its middle part of its flow in the length of 9 km. The average annual flow is 17.3 m3/ s. The other rivers of greater importance are Kozjachka, Argulichka and Radanska Rivers which are tributaries of the Bregalnica River.
The rivers’flows are not regulated along their entire length and often they overflow and flood the agricultural fields, as well as parts of the inhabited settlements as a result of prolonged or torrential rains.
As for the artificial reservoirs on the territory of the municipality, none have been built, but there is documentation for the construction of a dam on KozjaчкаkaReka (Bargala)from 1995, and the project has been included in the program of the Government.
The forest areas on the territory of the municipality can be considered small as they occupy 5.255 ha. In addition to the characteristics of the terrain, another reason is the dry climate. There are mainly deciduous and mixed forests. Blagun and white hornbeam forests are present at over 700 m. altitude, and on smaller areas blue and black hornbeamcan be found.At higher altitudes there are oak forests, black ash and beech forests. There are also low-stemmed forests that do not provide opportunities for their utilization, but serve for the improvement of the microclimate, for the regulation of waterflows, as well as for the aesthetic, ambience and panoramic contents of the natural environment as a whole. The forests areprimarily used for timber, as well as the collection of forest products and herbs. Unfortunately, illegal logging is increasing every year and therefore this territory belongs to the group of most endangered areas.
The Municipality of Karbinci has a total of 19,936 ha of agrarian area.
The problem of soil and water pollution is highlighted as a more significant environmental problem. There are no potential air pollutants on the territory of the Municipality of Karbinci, but there is a practice of burning municipal waste, plant debris and plastic materials in the open. There is no industry with hazardous potential in the municipality.
The area of the Municipality of Karbinci is characterized by an arid climate with long hot and dry summers and cold and humid winters. The continental climate collideswith the mediterranean climate that penetrates the valleys of the rivers Vardar and Bregalnica. The average annual temperature is 12.9° C. The warmest months of the year are July and August with an average monthly value of 23.8° С, and the coldest month is January with 1.4° С. Due to the arid climate, during the summer months the temperature often reaches up to 41° С. Consequently, the precipitation profile is with an average annual value of 50.6 mm; the maximum value is reached during the months of May (56.1 mm) and October (53.6 mm), and the minimum is in August. Annually there are – in average – 18 days with snow and that is during the months of January and February. The winds are blowing from the northwest and southeast, with the first being the most common and with speed of 5.2 m/s, and the second – with a speed of 6.7 m/s.
According to the Census of Population and Households from 2002, the total number of inhabitants in the Municipality of Karbinci is 4.012 citizens. Out of the total number of inhabitants in the municipal center, the village ofKarbinci, is 643 inhabitants, while, the largest settlement is the village Tarinci with 909 inhabitants. The main city area consists of the villagesKarbinci, Tarinci, DolniBalvan and Nov Karaorman with a total of 1.955 inhabitants or 49% of the total population in the municipality.
According to the national representation, the Macedonians are the majority (79.76%), followed by the Turks (18.15%), Vlachs (1.34%) and others (0.75%). According to age groups, young people, ie. from 0-24 years are 1.449 or 36.12%, from 25-64 years – 1.901 or 47.38%, and the elderly over 65 years of age are 662 or 16.50%. From the aspect of social vulnerability by age, it can be said that with approximately half of the population in the Municipality of Karbinci who are young or elderly (52.62%) the population is vulnerable to the impact of the natural and man-causeddisasters.
The population density per km2 is 17.47. There are a total of 1,322 households, 1,468 dwellings and 755 agricultural holdings.
Most (570 or 14.18%)of the registered employed citizens in the municipality are working in agriculture and textile industry.
There are 114 trade companies operating in Municipality of Karbinci. The main industry is agriculture.
Traffic infrastructure: The municipality is located on the main traffic corridor in the eastern part of the country, and most important are the highway Shtip-Kochani-Delchevo which is connected to E-75 (Corridor 10), express road A3, regional road R-6 Shtip-Plachkovica Mountain and the railway Skopje-Veles-Shtip-Kochani. The settlements in the municipality are connected with a local road network in a total length of 107.6 km, 43.60 km of which are paved and cross over three bridges. The street road network within the settlements is 33.5 km and only 16 km are asphalted. This indicates an underdeveloped local traffic infrastructure and the need for its construction and rehabilitation.
Communications infrastructure: All mobile operators are covering the territory of the municipality and the internet access is available through cable and optical networks or through mobile internet.
Energy infrastructure: All settlements on the territory of the municipality are connected to the electric grid and the electricity is supplied by Elektroistok–Shtip through 10kV transmission lines, substations 10/04kV and low voltage network in the inhabited settlements.
The industrial facilities have their own distribution facilities, pillar TS10/0.4 kV with 10kV overhead connections.
Education: On the territory of the Municipality of Karbinci there are two primary schools with eight satelite/village schools up to the fourth grade.
Healthcare: There is only one active doctors’ office and one pharmacy in the municipality. The citizens are mainly using the healthcare institutions in Shtip.
Culture and historical heritage: Institutions in the field of culture in Karbinci are the houses of culture as well as the cultural-historical monuments (Kale) and archeological sites (Bargala, GorniLozja, Tugli, Bandera) etc.

Municipality of Karbinci
EU projects Department
Municipality is working with organisations in Europe to support projects in order to help citizens to partcipate in activities.
Contact Details
Municipality of Karbinci,
v. Karbinci bb., 2207 Karbinci
Republic of North Macedonia
Dragana Mitrovikj, Project Coordinator