Events in Dupnica

Essay competition “Pale Blue Dot”
Essay competition “Pale Blue Dot” (The role of the individual preserving the nature) was finalized on 14.02.2022 and certificates were given to all participants and awards to the winners.

Awareness campaign
Awareness campaign was organized on 09.03.2022, 10.03.2022, 11.03.2022 As a result of the activity a better awareness on the risk management topic was established among the citizens of the cross-border region, promotion of a more sustainable emergency behaviour was promoted, a joint network of young and engaged people was constructed with the perspective to continue its collaboration outside the framework of the project

Basic fire safety course for children
Basic fire safety course& training for children in Dupnitsa was organized on 28.02, 01.03 Raised awareness of fire hazards in different environments – outside, at home, at school or workplace; promoted sustainable behaviour in case of event of emergency, including selecting and using a fire extinguisher or other relevant means;

Basic fire safety course for vulnerable groups in Dupnitsa
Filled theoretical and practical gaps of vulnerable groups in Dupnitsa Municipality; elaborated catalyst for more competent attitude pattern;

A Joint Seminar was organized on 16.03, 17.03 and 18.03 in Dupnitsa
The general idea of the seminar was maximization of the activity of the squads in terms of quality through gathering the members , exchange of good practices and valuable expertise.

A Final conference
A Final conference was held on 22.03.2022 in Dupnitsa.