
“Always prepared, always safe”

field, morning, sunrise-6574455.jpg

1. Elaboration a concept for the campaign

Logo, design presentation of the student’s ideas.

Elaboration of a concept for the campaign: logo, design, message This part of the activity will be conducted by high-school students from the cross-border region on voluntary principle – everyone can participate with ideas about the elements of the program – universal logo, representing the cross-border region, creative design and a powerful message able to provoke civil engagement.

 A special website will serve as a platform for convenient presentation of the student’s ideas. The intention is to be established a network of young, motivated and educated in the risk management problematic students which can continue its cooperation independently after the end of the project.

2. Organization of Info tours in Dupnitsa and Karbinci

Volunteers interested in the matter of risk management and natural and man –made hazards

This part of the activity will be realized with the assistance of volunteers interested in the matter of risk management and natural and man –made hazards problematic. After the selection the participants (through the website) will undergo short training where they will be introduced to each other, learn more about the risk factor and vulnerability areas in the cross-border region and will be assigned with certain role within the activity.

The tour aims at informally educating the citizens on the topic of risk prevention in the Municipalities Dupnitsa and Karbinci and stimulate their civil consciousness through entertaining activities: interactive games, quizzes, crosswords and others.


12.03.2022 /Saturday/Time: 12:00 – 16:00

Location: BARGALA

13.03.2022 /Sunday/Time: 12:00 – 16:00

Location: center of Village Karbinci, Municipal Building front yard

14.03.2022 /Monday/Time: 09:30 – 12:30

Location: center of Village Karbinci, Municipal Building front yard

more Photos in Gallery


09.03.2022, 10.03.2022, 11.03.2022 info Days at Dupnica and Blagoevgrad

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