Basic Fire Course in Karbinci
Basic Fire Course
“- I didn’t know that the fires spread so fast – we’re talking about seconds! But, now I know what I should do and how to act in order to save myself in case if fire occurs.”
– Comment by a participant at the training
A “Basic Fire Training” for children took place in the school “Strasho Pindzhur” – Karbinci in the period from 9th – 11th February, 2022. The training is an activity within the project “Establishment of a dialogue of care: our shared responsibility towards the future”, co-financed by EU thorough Interreg IPA CBC Republic of Bulgaria – Republic of North Macedonia Programme, and implemented by the Municipality of Karbinci and the Foundation 12th Chair – Blagoevgrad.
The training participants learnt about the fires, elements of combustion and the conditions which influence it, about the most common causes of fires, and about health threats and measures for protection and safety, through interactive lectures, presentations and practical exercises. They had an opportunity to learn about evacuation and fire extinguishers: “- We all tried and learnt how to operate a fire extinquisher! It was really exciting and useful to learn that.” – mentioned one of the youth participants at the training.
„- These were very interesting three days full of learning new and useful skills which are important for us and for our families! All children should learn how to protect themselves in case of fire.“
„-The children showed great interest and actively participated in all of the activities during the training, and – what is most important – gained practical and applicable knowledge and skills.“ – emphasized Prof. Nikola Nikolov Ph.D, the trainers’ team leader.
Municipality of Karbinci expressed great gratitude to all the participants at the training for their active participation and to the trainers’ team led by Prof. Nikola Nikolov Ph.D. for the excellent design and delivery of the training for the children. The Municipality is preparing Certificates which shall be presented to all of the participants who successfully finished the training during the events of the Awareness Campaign “Always Prepared, Always Safe” during March, 2022.

Forests in the Republic of Macedonia
Fires in the World, Europe and MKD Types of damage from forest fires
What is a forest fire and classification of fires

Main causes of forest fires
Principles of wood burning
Measures for protection from forest fires
Material for reading
Educational Material from Professor Nikolai Nikolov - University of Skopie.

Safety measures in case of forest fires
What are urban fires (rural and urban) The most common causes of fire
Practical - fire extinguishers Practical-Evacuation

Threats to health and first aid
University Proffesors - Medical Doctors- Proffesionals on safety equipment participate.
Material for reading Part 2
Educational Material from Professor Nikolai Nikolov - University of Skopie.
The training continues for Volurable people with very interest.